Grand Challenges Research Investments

The University’s Great and Good 2030 Plan identifies five priority focus areas for research that represent major societal challenges and opportunities and draw on our existing strengths: Democracy, Environmental Resilience and Sustainability, Precision Medicine/Health, the Brain and Neuroscience, and Digital Technology and Society. In each area, we are taking a coordinated approach through institutes, centers, and labs to amplify the impact of our faculty’s work. The Grand Challenges Research Investments complement research across the University and have created new opportunities for faculty and others in the UVA research community to work together across disciplines.

By making substantial investments in these five areas – including new faculty positions and support for postdoctoral scholars and graduate students – we aim to move the needle in addressing the world’s urgent challenges. Since 2021, members of the UVA community have come together to generate ideas and develop proposals. Visit the links below and to the left for more information about progress in each of the Grand Challenges focus areas.  


Strategic Research Themes   SRIi   2030 Plan


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